ATTENTION! wins awards and presents at government summit

November was a big month for our project: Two papers from ATTENTION! won important awards and the project was invited to present at the German Federal Government’s Digitization Summit.

At the prestigious 22nd International Semantic Web Conference 2023 in Athens, two research papers from the ATTENTION! project (University of Bonn) were awarded honors: Best Research Track Paper Award for “Spatial Link Prediction with Spatial and Semantic Embeddings” by Genivika Mann, Alishiba Dsouza, Ran Yu und Elena Demidova and “Iterative Geographic Entity Alignment with Cross-Attention” by Alishiba Dsouza, Ran Yu, Moritz Windoffer und Elena Demidova.

At the German Federal Government’s Digitization Summit in Jena, Jan Schoenmakers (HASE & IGEL) presented ATTENTION! and surveyed the audience for additional Red Flags and user requirements for the ATTENTION! solution.
